
I am Pheobe Stone. I am a 24 year old Devops Engineer who enjoys binge-watching House of Cards, scrolling through twitter for new tech and making blog posts. My work mostly comprise of development operations; developing, deploying and contributing to open souce communities.

Current projects can be found on my work page


Hey! I'm Pheobe, a 24 year old who lives in Seattle, WA. I am a Linux user working with Ubuntu with a passion and a zeal for working with the internet of things. I most commonly use Python, and JavaScript as my primary development languages. I am both a closed source and open-source developer known for some of the most popular open source projects. I might also update my website when new major projects come up, who knows?

My work takes place on an Dell XPS 15. My laptop currently runs Ubuntu 20.04 with the KDE Plasma Desktop Environment. My primary tools for development and Devops are Visual Studio Code as my code editor, the GNOME terminal emulator, Docker for containerizing my worflow, and Firefox for web viewing.


You can email me at stone.pheobe@hello for any info and questions